Oblivion path of dawn
Oblivion path of dawn

Washington said her motives were not financial. “Presumably there will be more Measure H money and the concern is that other providers will also find this money more attractive,” she said.īut under Measure H, transition-age youths have also been identified as a priority. Kakani, of Public Counsel, said the homeless authority and Children and Family Services appear to be competing.

oblivion path of dawn

A total of $974,280, funded through the Measure H sales tax, has been allocated for eight months. PATH will contract with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to provide short-term shelter and services at the site for up to 64 women, including transgender women. Under the new arrangement, the YWCA will lease space in its building to PATH, a homeless services provider. The money came from the state, and the YWCA would not have received the maximum allotted amount if the program was not full. Under the agencies’ contract, Children and Family Services paid the YWCA $3,500 a month for every enrolled client, up to a maximum of 30 clients and $1.26 million per year. They renewed their contract with the YWCA after one year and planned to do so again this year.īut the YWCA’s Washington said the program never operated at full capacity. “The intent behind that was to learn economic self-sufficiency, and also to have money for first and last months’ rent” when they left, Washington said.Ĭhildren and Family Services officials have been satisfied with the program, according to the department. Program providers put money for each participant into a savings account every month, with the money accessible to participants when they turned 21 or left the program. The YWCA’s dormitory setup and emphasis on job readiness were meant to offer a hybrid of independent living and support. The county Department of Children and Family Services has struggled to provide adequate housing and services for so-called transition-age youths, who still need adult guidance but also seek independence. The program at the YWCA began in 2016 in response to state legislation that allowed young people to stay in foster care until age 21.

oblivion path of dawn

“Under no circumstances would we establish a new program at the expense of foster kids,” said Matt Szabo, Garcetti’s deputy chief of staff.

Oblivion path of dawn